From Around the World
Motivational Speaker Has One Tip: Change Your Mind From Illuminati to IllumiYESi
We caught up with motivational speaker Arima Anaskor to get his take on how to view life through a more positive lens. These days with the government shutdown, mass shootings, police brutality and countless other negative influences it can be hard to maintain a positive center. Arima's advice was simple, "You see, we live in an age where we have unprecedented access to data. People are educating themselves and finding out that the fabric of society may not actually be as it appears. Open your mind. Stop looking for the Illuminati and accept that everything really is a conspiracy. This is a mind change I like to call, IllumiYESi." Arima has a book and Netflix special both in the works. He wouldn't comment on either at the time of the interview but if they're anything like his motivational speeches they'll be absolutely genius. We're looking forward to both.
Ryan Kensington - January 23, 2019
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